Books, Links and Recommendations
Almost no one writes in a vacuum anymore. Very few of us can retreat to the manor house on a solitary island in the middle of nowhere to pen our masterpiece with Mozart, Morissette or Muddy Waters playing quietly in the background. Fortunately for those of us who live in a demanding, absorbing work-a-day and ‘connected’ world, we don’t have to. The internet, libraries, weekend workshops, and writer’s groups are chock full of authors, editors and publishers with expertise and a willingness to help the aspiring writer.
Here are only a few of the books, authors and links I have found helpful in my own writing. I hope they inform, aid or inspire your writing as they have mine.
- Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg *** (Still one of the best!)
- Elements of Fiction Writing by James Scott Bell
- Writing Children’s Books for Dummies by Buccierie and Economy
- Elements of Fiction Writing, Beginnings, Middles and Ends by Nancy Kress
- Writing Fiction for Dummies, Ingermanson and Economy
- Writing Fiction: The Practical Guide by Gotham Writer’s Workshop
- Writing from the Inside Out by Dennis Palumbo